I’ve worked with both PC and Mac, and there are good reasons to use both. But there’s one thing that I need to get out of the way first, and that’s that I’m through and through a PC user. So here’s a guide based on my years of experience editing on both types of machines. Most editing apps require 8Gb of ram to operate but typically need more power to run efficiently.
However, desktop computers are cheaper in the long term and offer more ergonomic supports. Laptops are more flexible than desktops, and are powerful enough for most photographers. When you’re looking to decide which machine will suit your purposes, there’s a couple of considerations to take. But laptops are also a great choice for most people out there. In some cases, a desktop is the best long-term choice. Back when I was in college, I always thought that a laptop computer wasn’t powerful enough for photo editing and that a desktop computer would be more practical. When I was a new photographer, I spend ages going over the internet to see what kind of a computer I should upgrade to.